3 Premium Indie Mobile Games You Won’t Regret Buying

The prices for these games may differ according to your geo or currency. 

In the world of unskippable ads, microtransactions, and gazillions of games, I turn to premium games to get a quality experience. These are some of my favourites, to which I return time and time again. Spoiler alert, my very biased opinion gives them 5/5 every time! 

Stardew Valley: ($4.99/€4.69) 

The first time I heard of Stardew Valley, I smirked thinking that it’s just a glorified farming sim, harking back to the days where you were spammed with Farmville requests on Facebook. Unlike Farmville, there are characters to fall in love with, the most wholesome reddit community and unexpected depth to discover. Don’t let the pixelated art fool you, there is more to Stardew Valley that you may think. 

The premise is simple, your character inherits their granddad’s farm and it’s up to you to make the most of it. In the first couple of days in the game, you learn all the basics of how to run your farm, make friends, fulfil quests and make money. You will learn about the town troubles like the dilapidated community centre and the growing threat of the mega corporation JojaCola taking over the town. 

Stardew Valley – Mobile Announcement Trailer 

The game has something for every type of player, which is why it makes such a great game for everyone. 

For those born to battle: Explore the mine, fight monsters and see if you can reach the elusive level 100 in the skull mine. As you explore you get new weapons or find out how to obtain the elusive Galaxy Sword.  

For those wants some love peace and quiet: Spend your days petting farm animals or build the perfect picturesque farm. Or master the art of fishing and find all the legendary fish. Because even pixelated farmers need a break sometimes.  

For those who loves getting to know people: Meet all the villagers, get to know them and hear their life stories. If you are so inclined, you can find yourself a partner from a whole bunch of single people, get married and live happily ever after, or divorce and find someone new – whatever floats your boat. 

For those who care about the cash: If you ever wanted to feel like a gazillionaire, there are few things as satisfying as cashing in on your crops or truffle oil and see your gold meter go up. It’s an interesting balance to find the best crops within your seasonal 28 days to make sure you get as much out of it as possible. 

Having spent approximately 250 hours in this game across three platforms (PC, iPad and Android) it absolutely deserve its 4.7/4.8 rating on the app stores.

Download it for iOS | Android 

Meteorfall: Journeys ($4/€4.29) 

This was a game I installed purely because I liked the illustration style – probably because I was binge watching Final Space at the time.  And having judged this app by its cover, I am happy to report I wasn’t disappointed.  

Meteorfall Launch Trailer 

It’s a deck-building rogue-like, the mechanics reminds me a lot of Reigns, where you swipe left or right depending on your decision. (Yes, it’s also similar to dating apps, but with less heartbreak.) Like all rogue-like games, death is permanent (and inevitable), so you will die a couple of times while you get the hang of the game. As you defeat monsters you collect coins to upgrade your cards or add new ones to your deck. After each ‘encounter’ where you either win or more likely suffer a crushing defeat you also get diamonds. Diamonds are pretty useful to unlock special cards or characters that further improve your road to victory.  

If you are a frequent mobile gamer, your wallet might already be crying when you hear words like “diamonds, coins and unlocking”.  But never fear, Meteorfall: Journey, doesn’t require you to spend hard earned cash at all, everything is unlocked while playing the game, and they aren’t stingy either.  

Each of the characters represent a class, for example you have the healer, Rose, angelic and beautiful, and also the character with which I was able to beat the game the first time. Unlike the tank, Bruno, who was annoyingly hard to beat the game with. That’s personal preference though. With the variety of characters and monsters, it gives the game a lot of replayability. And recently Demon mode has also been added for those who completed the game and wants a challenge. 

And after you’ve beaten Uberlich into submission, you would be happy to hear that the second installment Meteorfall: Krumits Tale launched in 2020, the characters are familiar, and the gameplay is slightly more complicated than Journey. And although it boasts more content updates, it also features IAPs.  

Download it for iOS | Android 

Cat Quest ($4.99/€5.49) 

I’ve been a fan of The Gentlebros since I played Slashy Hero (which inexplicably disappeared from Android!) and I really like cats which means that Cat Quest is a perfect match. It’s an Open world RPG and in the publisher’s own words: 

“This is a game heavily inspired by Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy and Skyrim. It aims to provide a streamlined and concise open world experience. Think of it as the overworld of Final Fantasy, the combat and exploration of Zelda, and the open world of Skyrim all in one package!” 

Your brave catventurer, starts his quest after his sister is catnapped. Like traditional RPGs you are more likely to get distracted with the side quests while neglecting the main story line. If you have a cheesy sense of humour (like me) you will find yourself endlessly entertained by this punny game with cattitude. You collect loot, fight adorable monsters and dressing in outfits in which you probably wish you could dress you IRL cat. 

Cat Quest – Official Launch Trailer – iOS, Steam 

Cat Quest is one of the very few mobile games which is a complete game instead of shorter installments that continues indefinitely. It gives you the sense of completion which is so rare these days. There are slight annoyances, like not being able to fast travel or being able to do multiple quests at once.  

A purrfectly pawsome game in my books. 

Late 2019 Cat Quest 2 released to limited platforms, namely Apple Arcade, Switch and PC which makes this wonderful franchise less accessible. I would happily purchase the game and play whenever, instead of getting another subscription. I usually enjoy these games the most when I don’t have internet connection and forgot to resubscribe.  

Download it for iOS | Android 

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